'맥북에어'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.01.16 MacBook Air 8

MacBook Air

2008. 1. 16. 11:48 from Z_2/%_5
사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

Amazingly thin. Amazingly full-size.

The thinness of MacBook Air is stirring. But perhaps more impressive, there’s a full-size notebook encased in the 0.16 to 0.76 inch of sleek, sturdy anodized aluminum. And at just 3.0 pounds,1 MacBook Air is more than portable — it’s with you everywhere you go

서류 봉투에 들어갈정도로 가볍고 얇고,
로테이트랑 줌 기능, 손가락 세개까지 쓰는 멀티터치기능까지;;;

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